Saturday 4 October 2008

The First Post


So what do you write in your first post? The obvious answer being whatever you like because no-one will be reading it!

Basically, recently I've been doing a lot of work using Silverlight, WCF, LINQ and the Entity Framework and while there are a lot of resources around there are still things that I've needed to do that, when searching online, I have found very little about. Therefore I figured when I solve an issue that has little or no mention anywhere why not blog about it myself and maybe help others that have the same problem. For instance I'll post about a LIKE operator in LINQ to Entities soon which was a problem with a simple solution that I only found more complicated solutions to.

Shortly I'll also be starting to develop a cricket scoring application that will, hopefully, be used to score league cricket matches here in the UK as I think this needs to be made easier to do so that more people are able to score the game. When I get going with this project I'll also share some of my thoughts on how I will be putting that together.

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